The current rewards are for April Gardening Ghosties! Featured are: A gardening ghostie with lots of veg as the main pin, a small helper ghostie with tomatoes for the mini pin, and a cute frosted vinyl sticker of the two of em gardening! :D

Sign up between Mar 2 till Apr 1 for Gardening Ghostie! Check out the tiers below!
Tiny Kitten Tier! - A way to show support! Grants access to a look at WIP work, discord exclusive content, early access to shop updates, and access to the Secret Shop (which houses older pin & sticker designs)!
- Alley Cat Tier! - The above + the sticker of the month shipped to you!
- Big Ol' Cat Tier! - The above + the main pin (left) + sticker of the month shipped to you!
Ultimate Cat Buddy Tier! - The above + both (main & mini) pins+ sticker of the month shipped to you!
Free shipping for US & CAN!
Please note that production for the rewards currently starts after the 1st of the following month so it may be a month or more till the reward is received! Reward fulfillment progress can always be checked on my discord, here.
Purchasing more than 1 will count towards the same month. Once you sign up, you'll receive an email where you'll be able to easily manage your current and future pledges! Changes to your subscription will go into effect on your refresh date (the date you signed up on the next month). Please reach out through my discord or contact form if you have any questions. :)